

Research has identified that pre-service teachers have concerns about technology integration (e.g., their future school would lack technology resources; technology is not applicable in their subject areas). Mentoring has been highlighted as a means of overcoming these concerns. In this study, we present and investigate one strategy – an asynchronous video mentoring session between a class of 199 pre-service teachers and four exemplary award-winning technology-using in-service teachers. A small group of the pre-service teachers (n = 31) voluntarily expressed their concerns. The four in-service teachers were videotaped as they responded to these concerns. All 199 pre-service teachers watched the videos and described how the in-service teachers’ responses either alleviated or increased their concerns. A majority of the pre-service teachers (58%) reported that their primary concerns regarding technology integration were less acute after they watched the teachers’ presentation. Teacher education programs might consider the use of digital technologies to support student voices and increase the opportunities for interaction between pre-professionals and practising professionals.




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